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Local tours @ Obidos (4)

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Night Tour "Rally Bar"
9 years ago

Challenge yourself to taste, in addition to the famous Ginjinha of Obidos, other traditional drinks of the Village such as the Toupeiro for example, in its distinctive pubs.
With the mystique of the Obidos nightlife as background, we will get lost through the narrow streets and unravel the night mysteries escaping inside the traditional pubs rustically decorated between the stones of the Castle.

This page content is the sole responsability of the local guide. bananatrips declines any responsability for any cancellations or changes in the tour presented.

<div style='display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; '><img src='/uploads/utilizadores/user-photo-1425315321.jpg' width='100' /> Carina Mendes</div> Carina Mendes
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